work with me
The longest journey we take in life is the journey
from our heads to our hearts.
Finding the pathway out of our heads is a very worthwhile pursuit.
The head is where the ego lives, and the ego often uses our emotions to create a sense of fear in order to protect us. However, in our hearts is where our beingness lives, and when we open ourselves up to trust, faith and love, and learn to live in the heart, we soon realize that there is no need for protection, for in the heart ALL IS WELL.
MY Services
What is Holy Fire Reiki?
Holy Fire Reiki is a very high vibrational, healing energy that comes directly from source. The Reiki practitioner is channeling the energy of reiki directly to each client.
How Does Reiki Heal?
Reiki helps one to align themselves with Divine LOVE. When receiving Divine LOVE there is no room for anything else. No room for criticism of oneself, no room for beating yourself up over how "bad" you think you have been, no room for shame, guilt or "not good enough".
Reiki heals by teaching us to love ourselves UNCONDITIONALLY! And releases ALL THAT YOU ARE NOT, meaning that you are releasing any thoughts or ideas of yourself and others that separate you from this love. YOU are PERFECT, WHOLE AND COMPLETE exactly as you are, simply for existing.
Ready to learn how to channel the beautiful energy of Reiki to your self and others?
Or perhaps you want to develop your intuitive gifts further, so that you can have an even closer relationship with your guides and angels?
A brand new class I designed to help YOU connect with the Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and your own personal Guides and loved ones who have crossed over.
how you work
Don’t see what you’re looking for?
I can customize any session to match your personal needs.