When I first began my journey, I literally had Louise Hay's book You Can Heal Your Life, drop off the book store shelf and fall onto the floor in front of me. A sign, perhaps?
I picked up the book, considered it for my project, then quickly returned it. I left the bookstore that day empty handed. I was searching for a book that "could change my life" for a assignment in a college course I was taking.
A daunting task for a 20 yr old. I had no idea how to approach this difficult assignment. I tried another, larger book store, but had no luck there either. I found it hard to imagine that a simple book could do much of anything other than entertain me. I was not much of a reader back then, and had yet to discover the power of books! I eventually went back to the first book store, and again found the book with the large heart on the cover, but I still felt unsure so I left.
Back then, I was so unsure of myself, and I was terrible at paying attention to the signs, like how the book made be feel since discovering it or the fact that it literally fell off the bookstore shelf and onto the floor in front of me.
I was unconscious of my thoughts or feelings.
After going back home, empty handed again, I fell asleep that night and dreamt of that book, especially the beautiful rainbow colored heart on the front cover! I went back the next day to purchase the book and never looked back!
Unbeknownst at the time, that book had a tremendous impact on my life. I immediately fell into alignment with Louise's principals, and started to pay close attention to my thoughts and belief systems, challenging myself whenever I found a space where I held a belief that was not supporting me or my intensions for my life. It is with these basic principals, that I developed my Reiki practice.
"YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK", "A THOUGHT IS JUST A THOUGHT", and “YOU ARE THE ONLY THINKER IN YOUR MIND AND THUS, YOU CAN CHOOSE ANOTHER (MORE SUPPORTIVE) THOUGHT", are a few of the basic principals I learned from Louise. A belief system is a set or group of thoughts that you, and others that you associate with (family, friends, teachers and religious organizations, etc...) believe to be true, and just like you can choose another thought to think, you can break down those belief systems, one thought at a time, until eventually you have purposefully chosen a better, more supportive belief system to live your life by.
The truth of these words began to create a shift within me. Once I began to change my thoughts and belief systems, I began to see a difference within myself and my life. As my life around me reflected these changes, things began to fall into place. I found a sense of ease in my life. I was amazed at how simple it was. I began to find success more easily, meet people who were in alignment with my new set of beliefs and attract what I wanted. You, too, can learn to create a different set of belief systems and change your life for the better.
And YES, even heal yourself from disease!
Holy Fire World Peace Reiki Master & Teacher
A student of A Course in Mastering Alchemy
Certified Angel Card reader
Intuitive Energy Healer
I’d love to help you find your new path..
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